UIAGM Mountain Guide

Matteo Faletti

I was born and grew up in Trento, a town in strategic position to reach, in a short time, the most desirable peaks of the Dolomites as well as the sunny cliffs of Arco. I have always looked with enthusiasm at the beautiful scenery that surrounded me and in which I had the opportunity to grow up.

So, as a young boy, moved by a vital curiosity and a deep attraction for the taste of adventure, I started my journey between sun-drenched peaks and snow-capped mountains looking for ever deeper and indelible contact with these rock giants. Every climb allows not only to test yourself on a physical aspect, but also and above all, from a human point of view, it offers the rare possibility to reach deep inside yourself, and establish a unique bond with your climbing partner.

My great passion for living the mountain every day led me to choose my profession: I became first a Mountain Guide and then a ski instructor.